Place the nelson bubble lamp replica in the centre of the room to make a beautiful addition to your home. In general, a striking chandelier is the first choice for interior design. It doesn't need to provide all the lighting a space needs, but it must be decorative and artistic so that the tone of your home becomes high class and design-inspired. Of course darkness makes a space appear smaller and light makes it appear larger. So you can use a layered lighting approach, with some lighting fixtures working in tandem. We recommend the nelson bubble lamp replica as your main light fixture for a number of reasons. Firstly, nelson bubble lamp replica has a very simple design that suits a modern, clean home design and can be used with a variety of different colours and styles of furniture. Secondly, nelson bubble lamp replica is available in a variety of models and sizes and can be hung in small or large spaces. You can also extend the lighting space by hanging several same or different pieces together. Thirdly, nelson bubble lamp replica is very lightweight, made of unique and high-quality materials, and the translucent white shade spreads the light. The last point is that nelson bubble lamp replica creates a pleasant living environment, which is what many customers want when they buy a luminaire.